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 Let me bring a great revelation to your mind and spirit right now:

 One day Jesus was travelling with His disciples through Samaria. He was tired so He decided to sit by Jacobs well to relax around 12 Oclock in the afternoon. He was actually thirsty, because walking on the sun at that period of the day will make any human being thirsty and Jesus was human. He feels hungry too like you and I. (John 4:8; Mark 11:12)

 Being thirsty He said to the Woman; Will you give me a drink? the Samaritan woman replied. You are a Pentecostal and I am an Evangelical, how can you ask me for a drink? For we Evangelicals have nothing to do with you Pentecostals (John 4:9).

 Though this is not exactly what she said it has a familiar tone of which most of us are guilty of. We always think our church has nothing to do with any other church; this is a great sin against the Holy Spirit as well as a gross in ignorance.

 Friend, if only you and I know the One who has called us. If we could see Him as He really is, if the whole church; Pentecostal, Presbyterians, Baptists, Methodists, Assemblies of God, Four Square, Church of God, Open Bible, Apostolic etc. and all denominations shall realise and understand the purpose of God and why He brought Jesus to die for us.

 Friend, God gave us Christendom a common ground on which all of us can trod safely, and that is believing in Jesus Christ the only Son of God, through whom salvation has come to the world.

 The above statement is sufficient for you and I to agree upon no matter our affiliations, so that we can all have fellowship with one another. In that case, we would keep you posted by sending you our prayer request from time to time. You can also be a Financial Supporter to this work.

 Here are some lists of needs for the year 2002 and we trust God that you will be part of it.

  1.  Support for mass Evangelism through Radio Broadcasting.
  2. Last part of musical equipment Set of drums, Bass Combo and Guitar, Lead Guitar and Mixer to enhance our worship.
  3. 200 Chairs for Service
  4. A computer, Printer, Scanner for the Church Documentations
  5. Financial aids to support the workers and to take care of our bills.
  6. Set up small scale business for some of our jobless church members.
  7. Organise our monthly Revival programme.
  8. Purchasing of 4 plots of land for church auditorium.


 P. O. Box ML 671, Mallam Accra Ghana